发布时间:2012-04-19 10:46:59   浏览次数:2276


该工程是安哥拉共和国卡宾达省体育场钢结构雨棚工程,所有结构沿椭圆形体育场四周布置,共有26榀主桁架,每榀桁架有两个半球支座支撑,相互间距4.8米,桁架指向体育场中心悬挑向上,形似一把把大型的枪。每榀桁架的支座标高不一,东西最低,支座标高为11.097米 ,南北最高标高为27.615米。悬挑半径不一,东西最小,悬挑10.366米,南北最长,悬挑26.02米。每榀桁架向内朝上倾斜的角度为15度。主桁架的前端和根部各设置了一道次桁架。主桁架之间设置了安装膜结构用的弧形管。主桁架截面为正三角。

The project is the Republic of Angola in Cabinda Province stadium steel canopy project. All the structures layout around the oval stadium, a total of 26 Units main trusses, there are two hemispheres Unit bearings to support each pipe truss, and their spacing is 4.8 meters. Cantilever overhang up and point to the center of the stadium, which like huge guns. Each bearing elevation is varies, the minimum elevation is 11.097 meters, which located at east and west. The maximum elevation is 27.615 meters, which located at north and south.Cantilever radiuses are varies of each truss; the minimum radius is 10.366 meters at east and west. The maximum radius is 26.02 meters at north and south. Each truss tilted upward inward angle of 15 degrees.There are two sub-trusses between two sides of the main trusses. Between the two main trusses were installed the arc tube for the membrane structure. Cross-section of the main truss is triangular.